Heartland Hams Amateur Radio Club Silent Key Memorial Page


Silent Key is a term of respect for a deceased amateur radio operator. The key in the term refers to a telegraph key, the instrument that all early amateur radio operators, as well as many contemporary amateur radio operators, have used to send Morse code. The term SK is used in telegraphy to indicate an end of transmission. Today, the term is commonly used within the radio community as a sign of respect and condolence regardless of whether the deceased was an amateur radio operator.


Name Call Date Silent Key
Bob Dalton KCØECI 1/9/2012
Henry Schulle KC0EMO 4/21/2015
Jack Edmonds KØJAC 7/2/2019
Robert Snyder KCØMUX 9/19/2020
Rea Blackburn NØREA 4/6/2022
George Allen KDØNME 8/10/2022
Dale Sargent NØWKF 8/9/2023