Informal SCRIPT for Southwest Iowa ARES net


(10 minutes before net) Good evening.  This is <your call sign>.  The SW Iowa Heartland Hams Monday Night net will begin in 10 minutes on this repeater.  If you need to make a quick call, please do so now.


7:00 PM

This is is <your call sign> my name is  <your name>.  I will be calling the SW Iowa ARES net tonight as net control.   This net meets each Monday at 7:00 P.M. on the NØWKF repeater in Glenwood, IA serving Southwestern Iowa and the surrounding area.  All amateurs are welcome to use this open repeater when it is not occupied by a scheduled net.




This is an informal net and is part of the ARRL field organization.  The purpose of this net is to practice our communication skills in preparation for emergencies and to provide training in the procedures that would apply in actual emergencies. We conduct this net as a means to improve our communication skills and to get to know the amateur radio operators who participate.




In the event that we lose this repeater frequency our backup repeaters are 444.325 and the Mineola repeater at 442.025, and in the event that we lose those repeaters we will do our best on simplex at 146.52 or the Mills county emergency simplex frequency of 147.435 Mhz.


Please visit us on our web site at for additional information.


(Some announcements –  )

  • Tue 7pm Net Blair 2m simplex 147.435
  • Wed 9:00pm Pottawatamie Co. ARES Net 442.225
  • Thurs 8pm Otoe Co. Net - out of Nebraska City - 146.700 - no tone on the KØTIK repeater
  • Sat 7pm Tech Net 145.290
  • Sun 6:30pm Montgomery County ARES net 146.655 with a PL  tone of 146.2
  • Sun 7:50pm 2m SSB NET USB 144.250
  • Sun 8:30pm Neb IRLP NET on the Honey Creek Repeaters 145.410 or 444.800 both require a tone of 97.4 - or WF0PCE's node in Plattsmouth at 146.460 also with a tone of 97.4.
  • Breakfast at Tobey Jacks in Mineola (usually 1st Saturday each month at 9:00A.M.)
  • Heartland Hams Monthly meeting every 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the Mills County Historical Museum in the Glenwood Lake Park by the  caboose


Is there anyone who would like to act as backup net control tonight?  Please respond at this time.


Thank You ___________________ will be acting as backup net control.




All radio amateurs are invited to participate in this net.


When checking in call NET CONTROL, not my call sign, release the mic to pause and listen briefly to avoid doubling with someone, and then give your call sign, repeat it phonetically, then give your first name, your location and if you need to be in and out.


. . .but before we take any check in’s. . .    Any station having emergency or Priority traffic please call now.




  • ID at least every 10 minutes
  • Periodically call for any emergency or priority traffic.



*****During severe weather season, or periodically as might be fitting as an additional training tool add the following weather criteria*****


As a reminder — When we are running a severe Weather Net it will be a directed net requiring check in and check out.  When running a directed net radio transmissions on the repeater should be restricted to only that traffic that applies to the purpose of that specific net.


We would need to be mindful of our storm spotting criteria and restrict our conversations those things:

  • Tornado, funnel cloud, or associated cloud rotation
  • Hail greater than 1 inch in diameter
  • Winds in excess of 58 MPH
  • Excessive rain (very low visibility, 200 feet or less)
  • Frequent lighting
  • Flooding
  • Storm damage
  • Threats to life or property




Observations should include:

  • Time that the condition was observed, if other than current
  • Description of the condition
  • Location of the reporting station (use common references) and relative location of the severe weather condition if different than this location. This should include the estimated direction and speed of the severe weather condition if possible.
  • Description of damage and/or injuries.




Observations SHOULD NOT include ‘Blue Sky Reports’ such as “light rain here” or “clear in the West”, etc.


These criteria are may be found in your Severe Weather Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)



This is NET CONTROL <your call sign>.


Hearing no emergency or priority traffic we will begin to accept check in’s.

Remember to call Net Control, pause (listen for any doubling), then give your call sign phonetically, then your name, then your location by county and if you need to be in and out.


I’ll start taking check in’s now.



(After taking check in’s)

This is NET CONTROL.  We will now go back through the list of those who have checked in and ask for your comments.  Please remember to clear your station when you have completed your comments.


(Start with your comments and announcements first and then go down the list of check in’s)


(Periodically and at the end call for additional check in’s)



(Closing the Net)


I’d like to thank those who have provided the use of the repeaters for tonight’s NET especially NØWKF, Sale Sargent for keeping them in such good condition.


We will now close the NET and return the repeater frequency back to normal operating conditions.


This is NET CONTROL <your call sign>