The Scout Mid-America Council Jubilee, 12 Oct, will be holding a STEM event that includes Amateur Radio from 0900-1800.  We will be using all modes available to put scouts on the air.  If anyone can provide distant end coverage on HF or 2m SSB during any part of the day we would appreciate it.

     The annual International Jamboree on the Air is always held the third full weekend in October.  This year it is 19-20, 0001-2400, each day.  All modes are used to include the Echolink JOTA365 conference bridge and the DSTAR Reflector 


HF SSB Voice

Band WOSM Calling Frequencies Suggested Band Segment for US Stations Notes
80 m 3.940 & 3.690(1) 3.920 – 3.940
3.670 – 3.690 (1)
(1) Extra segment
40 m 7.190 & 7.090 (2) 7.180 – 7.200
7.270 – 7.290
(2) 7.090 not available in Region 2
20 m 14.290 14.270 – 14.290
14.320 – 14.340
17 m 18.140 18.140 – 18.150
15 m 21.360 21.360 – 21.400
12 m 24.960 24.960 – 24.980
10 m 28.390 (3) 28.350 – 28.400 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs
6 m 50.160 50.160 – 50.200


Band WOSM Calling Frequencies Suggested Band Segment for US Stations Notes
80 m 3.570 (3) 3.560 – 3.570 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs
40 m 7.030 (3) 7.030 – 7.040 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs
20 m 14.060 14.050 – 14.060
17 m 18.080 18.070 – 18.080
15 m 21.140 (3) 21.130 – 21.140 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs
12 m 24.910 24.900 – 24.910
10 m 28.180 (3) 28.170 – 28.180 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs
6 m 50.160 50.150 – 50.160

HF PSK-31 

Call CQ JOTA. The chart below shows the commonly used frequencies for PSK-31.

Band Frequency Notes
80 m 3.580
40 m 7.080 (4) (4) Region 2 (USA).
7.040 to 7.060 for Regions 1 & 3
30 m 10.142
20 m 14.070 (5) (5) Most activity for JOTA will be on 20 m
17 m 18.100
15 m 21.080 (6) (6) Most activity can be found at 21.070
12 m 24.920
10 m 28.120

2 Meter FM Simplex

147.450, 147.480, 147.510, 147.540* * Use 147.540 as Calling Channel. Always listen first to avoid interfering with another QSO or auxiliary or control link. Avoid 146.520, the National FM Simplex Calling Frequency, as well as 146.550, which is commonly used by mobiles and RVers.

70 CM FM Simplex

446.000*, 445.950, 446.050, 446.100, 446.150 * Use 446.000 as Calling Channel. Always listen first to avoid interfering with another QSO or auxiliary or control link.


REF033A has been allocated as a full-time JOTA/Radio Scouting D-STAR Reflector. After contact is established, stations should disconnect from REF033A and connect to one or other repeater or migrate to an unused Reflector.

SIMPLEX Channels: 145.670*, 145.640, 145.610, 438.010. * 145.670  and 438.010 are commonly used as the National D-STAR Simplex Channels and should be used only as Calling Channels for JOTA. Always listen first to avoid interfering with another QSO.


All wide area talkgroups are permitted for use for JOTA for establishing contacts. After contact is established, stations should utilize as few resources as possible. For international, national, and regional QSO’s, stations should move their transmissions to one of the DMR-MARC UA talkgroups or to the DCI TAC-310 talkgroup.

For intrastate contacts, stations may use their area’s statewide talkgroup (if applicable). The use of your repeater’s local talkgroup (if applicable) is always permitted. A full list of repeaters and their available talkgroups can be found at .

SIMPLEX Channels: 441.0000*, 446.5000, 446.0750, 433.4500, 145.7900*, 145.5100. All simplex frequencies operate on time-slot 1 and use color code 1. (*are commonly used as the National DMR Simplex Channels and should be used only as Calling Channels for JOTA. Always listen first to avoid interfering with another QSO.)


The 907 Talk Group has been established so youth can talk worldwide with each other under the correct supervision as outlined in each country’s amateur radio rules for Digital Networks and letting non Amateurs use your equipment on air. (Each Country does differ so do read your rules). The Talk Group is for Scouting, Girl Guides, Youth Groups, Schools and related youth activities.

BrandMeister DMR has set up a World Wide Talk group called 907 JOTA. TG 907 & Reflector 4907 (Open 365 days a year) 907 is only one talk group. Under your Amateur License you can use all Talk groups on BrandMeister. You might wish to talk to regions/countries away from 907.

What you will need to access TG 907 on Brandmeister-DMR: You will need a DMR radio. 907 added to you radio as a channel 907 or assess via reflector 4907. You will also need a Repeater or DV device linked to the Brandmeister network

Ham radio rules apply for making iniDal contact. It’s a good idea to establish contact and move your QSO off to another Talk Group. If TG 907 isn’t busy, it’s OK to stay there.

The two links below cover all Talk Groups & Reflectors world wide.

Talk Groups


Facebook Group — BrandMeister 907

* Please note that currently three unique DMR systems exist world-wide: DMR+, DMR-MARC and Brandmeister.


The Allstar node number is 29015 and it is designated the BSA JOTA HUB.

Users from around the world are welcome to use this hub for communications between sites and to find scouts at other sites. For more information about AllStar see


Use Topic Channel Node 9091 as a Common Meeting Place or Calling Channel. After contact, disconnect from 9091 and one station should connect to another’s local node.


Software or apps available for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, and Android. Dedicated Conference Nodes are *JOTA-365* (node 480809) and *JAMBO* (node 832996). When contact is made on a Conference Node, it is recommended the two parties establish direct contact with each other to free up the Conference Node.




CQSRVR: CQ SCOUTS (other times of the year)


Yaesu suggests Wires-X rooms #21000 and #21003 for the scouts to use during the JOTA event.